Communicate! Communicate!! Communicate!!!

The African culture almost believes that the most important reason to get married is for procreation, although in recent times more and more young people have a changed perception of this theory, hence you have people getting married for companionship and other worthy purposes.

The African culture believes that the most important reason to get married is for procreation, although in recent times more and more young people have a changed perception of this theory, hence you have people getting married for companionship and other worthy purposes.

The importance of communication between couples can never be over emphasized, it is very important to discuss issues such as getting pregnant, number of children, contraceptives, parenting even before getting married. It helps couples to consider various factors that concern their union.It is really amazing that in Africa in general and more specifically in Nigeria that most couples just get married and have no plans as to when they want to have children i.e. what I mean is you find many couples who are just trying to get to know each other expecting a child in their 1st month of marriage. Of course this is a good sign that both parties are fertile but at the same time many marriages start having little cracks because they were not really ready or prepared for the pressures of pregnancy.

What most people don’t know is that there are a lot of hormonal changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy that affects the way she behaves, what she likes and even eating habits. If couples are not careful there will be many fights over little things that could have been overlooked.The financial implications of having a child to care for are also an important consideration.

I believe that couples who have a bad habit of spending more than they earn should first learn how to be financially prudent before considering getting pregnant. The saying that old habits die hard can be said to be very true, because thinking that you will be more cautious about money because you now have a baby has never been proven right/true.It is also really funny the way parents and in-laws start scurrying off to priests, religious persons and prayer houses in search for answers on behalf of a couple if the woman is not pregnant after a year.

I strongly believe this is why many couples just don’t want to plan when to have the 1st baby.In conclusion, whatever stage you’re at in your relationship, single, engaged, married. I believe that communication on this issue between the parties involved is extremely important. I wish everyone good luck as they plan to become parents now or in future.


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